Awhi Mai Te Atatu – Community Garden

Awhi Mai Te Atatū
Community Garden

More information: website

Awhi Mai Te Atatū is a welcoming space to learn about growing kai while connecting to te taiao. We will be sharing regenerative methods that mihi the soil, encourage stepping lightly on Papatūānuku, valuing our precious natural resources and each other. Come along and get involved in the whole process from seed raising to harvest as we work collectively towards a thriving māra kai. 

Our produce will be shared with kaimahi and with Te Atatū Peninsula Community Food Bank. If you or your group would benefit from some spray-free nutritious veggies get in touch.

We have big plans for this small space including workshops about māra kai at home, cooking from the māra and composting. We also hope to start a composting hub, turning Tat North’s organic ‘waste’ into beautiful compost that nourishes the soil and closes the loop on one of our local waste streams. 

We’re open to the community on a Friday morning, get in touch if you would like to come along we hope to see you soon.

Our Vision:

Tuatahi: We want to support our people to grow their own kai. We want to build capability and knowledge in our community that can then be shared more widely.

Tuarua: We want to establish a composting hub that services local food businesses, collecting their organic waste, diverting it from landfill and closing the loop on one part of Tat North’s waste. The compost created will then be used to feed māra kai & create seedling mix.

For more info contact us on:

